Thursday, July 21, 2005


Living in a multi ethnic society we are exposed to the different facets of people's life and people that comes from different cultural upbringing. Though many like to keep themselves with their own "kind", there are still a big group that loves to mingle and “mix” with the other "kind."

In this way, a lot could be understood and tolerated to create a harmonious society.

Some don't just stop in mingling around and being friends, they take another step forward in forming a love relationship and continue on to marriage.
It is now common to see ethnics of Malay marrying Indian, Chinese marrying Malay or Indian marrying Chinese.

We are becoming a "melting pot". Becoming the true Malaysian race.

In the international context, there are a lot of Malaysian marrying people of different nationality such as Thai, Vietnamese, American, Irish and Arabs.

"Opposite attracts", it is a very true saying, but how these "Opposites" adapt to each other?
Different culture meet and clash, how this is handled?
How this people continue on to live in harmony even if their very basic principles of life differs ?

Friday, July 15, 2005

Scrutinize the person who is responsible for it? OR
Objectively guide the person to solve the problem in hand?
Which is the right course of action?

MISTAKE is inevitable, everyone makes one but the difference is how you can learn from that MISTAKE to be wiser and not repeat it again. At the same time you solve the problem caused from it objectively before it gets worst.

Above is the ideal scenario on how we could deal with it.

But what happens when you have done the MISTAKE not knowingly and instead of the above happening, you are being blamed and scrutinized on why the MISTAKE can occur?

Instead of you being guided or given a chance to solve the problem arose from it, you are put into series of bombardment on why the mistake happened.

Is this necessary? Is this the only way to prove the point that you have done the MISTAKE and you have to realize you have done one and change?

Isn't that what is done can't be undone, and we could only find a way to salvage it?

What you do, if it was your staff that has done a MISTAKE? How you deal with it?

Thursday, July 14, 2005


Have this question raised in your mind before?
Seriously why are we all working?
Of course its for the money right? All the bills and loans that we have to pay keeps us on working.

But is that all, work for money to sustain our life ?
What about PASSION ?
Isn't that the driving force in us to be keep interested in the work that we do?

Some people go for the MONEY first and then build the PASSION for the work and
Some go for the PASSION and MONEY that they get is the fruits that they reap out of their passion.

What happens when PASSION dies and you are only working for the MONEY ?
Would the person last in his job just for the sake of the MONEY?

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Have you come across a situation when person who does mistake, don't realize that they are doing one and keep on pointing to others even when they are told that they are doing one ?
Worst is, they keep on doing this mistake.
This is a dangerous situation to be, because this person would pose threat to many others and and along the way these many others would be hurt (emotionally or mentally).

Then what happens to all this people who are being hurt?

IF in a relationship : He/She might leave or in a marriage it might end up in a divorce
IF in an organisation: He/She will leave or resign (the organisation might loose a valuable person here)
IF in a Family : This situation would create a rift between the family members.

In whatever stuation we are in, this scenarios would not be a good one to live with.
Change is a must.

How to make these people realize....?