Friday, December 16, 2005


Look at the one who is looking right at the camera with a Mr. Bean smile (well not seen that smile for long), his name is Fish, Andy Fish.

He is a cool, fun guy to hang out with. Day time he works as a graphic designer cum web designer and night time cum manager for bar called Sloppy Joe's:) Well he might be sloppy but certainly you can see he is very hardworking.

Could you see at the far end on the left, a hidden smile coming from a big guy ?(oops u could not see that he is big right, sorry Bert!). Well you already know, his name is Bert and we are roomies:) or shall i say housemates. Actually he is my landlord. He is an e-government consultant for government offices in Vietnam and sometimes my love consultant too:)

Look at the lady that wants to smile but not sure whether to smile, but at last tried to smile (unfortunately before the full smile is shown i pressed the buttton). She is Alicia, she is working for NGO that deals with childrens and communities in the province. What a good soul! Not many cares about these things nowadays. She is only 23 years old, not sure whether she is single and available, I will update on this soon. E-mail me if u need her info soon, maybe i could use some of my intelligence unit here to find out:)

Well nevermind telling about others, they are all busy eating.
Yeah one is busy sleeping and the another person is a Bollywood star, so i didn't show her because i need to pay royalty if i do:)
You could only see the back of her head and her name is Bina. Never heard?
(you must be joking).

Before i forget, do u see any blurry image in the photo, something in blue, on the right?
I do not know how it got into there.
This house might be haunted. It looks like something i have seen in the Korean horror movie:)
By the way, i got to know the Korean ghost, her name is Quynh Anh ( actually she is vietnamese but converted to Korean, because Korean ghost have celebrity status). I call her Queen (or Queen Anne- this is her english name used when she is attending the Royal London Ghost Gathering).

Well I am not alone in Hanoi:)

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