Friday, February 07, 2014


Almost chopping off my ‘pointy’ finger when I was 5 years old instead of cutting sugar cane is still fresh in my mind.

I’m a big ‘boy’ now but memories of my ‘old’ friend Lim Boon Hock from my childhood days in Pandamaran Jaya are still visible in my mind even though since then I have moved many times, to different places, countries and met many different interesting people.

I’ve read once in the book “The Brain That Changes Itself” by Norman Doidge, that says experiences from around the age 4 till 8 years old forms our long term memory. Probably this is the reason why I feel certain closeness to my memories from my childhood. Though it's been a long time, since we’ve met and Lim Boon Hock probably is a different person now, my thoughts towards him are still the same as before.

The only reason that I’m thinking of Lim Boon Hock now is the great memories that I have about him. Memories that is stored in my mind that triggers certain sense of happiness and nostalgic feeling whenever being retrieved. The same reason of why I still remember and always think of Dean and Chantrelle. Our trip to Koh Chang, unforgettable motorcycle trip, memories of Hanoi and great times we had together engraved in my mind, which will be with me even with Alzheimer.

At last memories are the only ones that keeps us alive to our last breath. When someone that we like or love is no longer around, the only thing that remains are the wonderful memories together.

I’m not sure about you but I will definitely savor every moment that I have left.

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