Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Have you come across a situation when person who does mistake, don't realize that they are doing one and keep on pointing to others even when they are told that they are doing one ?
Worst is, they keep on doing this mistake.
This is a dangerous situation to be, because this person would pose threat to many others and and along the way these many others would be hurt (emotionally or mentally).

Then what happens to all this people who are being hurt?

IF in a relationship : He/She might leave or in a marriage it might end up in a divorce
IF in an organisation: He/She will leave or resign (the organisation might loose a valuable person here)
IF in a Family : This situation would create a rift between the family members.

In whatever stuation we are in, this scenarios would not be a good one to live with.
Change is a must.

How to make these people realize....?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's no point to keep bangging your head against the wall.. u know what breaks first in that instance :P

try to always talk about it first, and a few times more later on coz the first time might not always get thru the wall..
when u know the disappointment in reality that the wall will not change it's mind, it's time to review your thoughts..