Thursday, November 02, 2006


Turmoil everywhere, injustice is rampant but we should not fail to see the beauty that lies beneath us. Constructive criticism is always welcomed but when you just shout out the anger within without justifying the cause of it, it becomes vain.

What do I mean here? Some may think it is BS but then it is the confused state of my mind on the injustices that happening around, and my inability to do anything about it.

Why confused? It is because if I give a constructive criticism on the issue that I’m about to reveal, I might be punished with the legacy system that British left us. This system, I say is escapism route of leaders that could get away with anything, by using this against people.

When on August 28, 1963, from the steps of Lincoln Memorial, Martin Luther King, Jr delivered his speech, he said:

"I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."

His dream came true, when Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964, and following this Voting Rights Act was passed in 1965.
He was named Man of the Year by TIME magazine for the year 1963, and the following year got the Nobel Peace Prize.

On the other hand, after 43 years of that speech, now I have the dream. Still pondering on what will be the future like, of my nation. Can I call that, MY NATION?
Am I allowed to do that, because I see I am still treated like a second class Citizen, in my own nation. It could be just what I am feeling, but what lead me to feel like this?

Every people of the country are instrumental in developing the country whether directly or indirectly, but what will be the basis of a government in developing the people?

Do you think poverty could be reduced by helping people based on their ethnicity? Or
Do you think it could only be reduced if the root cause of the problem are identified according to ethnicity and then it is used as useful information to help people overall without looking only at their ethnicity as a basis of improvement?
This of course I’m talking for a nation with multi cultural background.

Economic and social condition of people from particular ethnicity, could be improved if we could identify their specific problems and provide solutions and implementation plan.
Further action plan in monitoring the successfulness of the implementation need to be customized from time to time looking at the dynamism of the results obtained.

The question is if we could improve only one segment of the population from one ethnic background, does this helps to improve the condition of the nation overall?
By helping one particular ethnic of people alone, what justice it brings to others?
A policy derived to help only one particular ethnic? What about others that is also instrumental in developing the country?
What about their needs, and what is the solution for their problems?

When one man with an income of 100,000 dollar a year, and a man that earns only 50,000 dollar a year, goes to buy a house, the man who earns 100,000 dollar a year gets a discount of at least 5%, just because he belongs to particular ethnic group.
Does this sounds logic to you?

Poverty exists regardless of ethnicity, policies derived based on ethnicity and to help only one particular ethnic group?
Where this leads to?Reduction of poverty of overall population of a nation?
Development of people of the nation?
What is the objective of all this?

We often reminded and philosophy of education of the country says “Building One Race, Building One Nation” but I wonder why do I still asked in many enrolment and registration forms, what Race I belong to? This often disturbed me, but I said to myself this is only used to serve me better, but this is not the case, this is how I am treated “differently.”

I love MY Country and I will continue to serve MY Country, whether or not I am accepted as the “Son of the Soil” or not. To the policy makers I am still not eligible to be called true countrymen, and I will be still treated as “Non-Son of the Soil” in all aspects of my life.

I still believe as what been believed and dreamt by Martin Luther King, Jr, when he said:

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

I believe in this dream, and hope it is not in vain.

Do you have a dream? Do you believe in MY dream?

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Its dinner time, and Chef VK is ready with the dishes.
This time the turnout was overwhelming, the seats were fully booked and everyone had a jolly good meal (at least thats what i hoped).

Usually its Sunday lunch but this time, i wanted to cook more with less pressure, so i changed it to dinner time:)
The main dishes were, Chicken Curry, "Bah Kut Teh" and "Fried Tuna Sambal."
Yeah thats right i am vegetarian, but i still do cook non-vegetarian stuff.

Anyway this dinner was done 4 weeks ago, after that I already did 2 lunches and another dinner:)

I think something is wrong with my cam’s setting so you could see the images below with “ghostly effect.”

Dean & Daniela : "Lets scoop them before it finishes"

Chantrelle: "Mmm..I'm gonna wait and see what happens to them after they ate it"

Santos: "Who can challenge my chopsticks skills? "

VK : "Nothing Else Matters"

"Kampung" style

VK: "Bad girl...bad girls, what ya' gonna do, when they come for u"

Presence of "Supernatural" being at the dinner

After a long hard day of eating, what better way to relax than having a good, clean, fun gossip time:)