Monday, December 12, 2005


Male, 28, Single and Confused. Anybody Interested ?

Mind A : Hell No! Thats not what i want. I want financial freedom.
Mind B : Yeah, that's right i need you, I really can't live without you.

Confusion of the mind continues.....

Have you been confused lately by your own mind?

When you least expected, that is when it happens.
Shit Happens, well in this case Love Happens !

Kind of strange, but this is the confusion of the mind.
Or is it the heart?

Shall i just go with the flow or shall i create the flow?
Am i allowed to do that..create my own flow?

I do care about her, but is this what i need now ?
If i just concentrate in what i do now, i might be able to retire in another 5 years. Isn't that sounds more interesting?

What my mind say now?

Mind A : Don't be a love fool, forget all this crap, get over it and continue on with what you are doing, concentrate and work hard, smart, and you will enjoy better love later.

Mind B : You are not going to get this chance again, you can do both, you know you can do it, you have done it before. This time its better and she is the one, even she denies. This is the best time of your life.

Well the confusion continues....

Mind C : This is not the only issue you have, does she love you, or even have the slightest feeling for you ? Have you thought about it, that she only sees you as a friend and nothing more than that?
What happens when she denies you? When she says that she don't want to see you anymore?
Is this worth it, to jeopardize the wonderful friendship you have?

The confusion grows ....

MIND speaks many.

Have you experienced this before, in the crossroads, and don't know what you should do?


Anonymous said...

Just follow the heart...

Sometimes, logic can only help you to decide on the best course of action, but in the end, the emotion is the one that eventually opens up the new path.

We are human after all.

In the end, I am sure you wouldn't have regret if you have at least went for it.

Living with regrets might haunt you for the rest of your life :-)

"The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone."

-Harriet Beecher Stowe

David said...

Aiya, why want to chase for money and forget love. You have the rest of your life to chase money lar.

Love on the other hand, you never know what to expect. If it attention.

My advice, go for it. If it works out, good for you. If it doesn't, say goodbye and carry on. Simple. Win win situation, this is...

Think what you might be missing once you find the right one. You'll regret that you didn't get to share your more of your life life with her. So. make sure you don't pass up the one...give it a go!


Anonymous said...

LOVE is the better option i suppose, when you happy with someone the flow to make MONEY is much smoother

MONEY can earn but LOVE can't i suppose

vk said...


Anonymous said...

Don't live carrying 'WHAT IFs'
Life is too short to live with regrets. You don't go & try to 'grab' who you want, you might miss the 'ONE' for you. Besides, who says love & career can't exist hand-in-hand.

Afraid the gal will complain when you spend tons of time on work & not much time with her? If she cares for you, she will understand that you are working to build a future together. Who says all girls will demand all of the guy's time..

So, go for it. Whatever the outcome, at least you've given it your best. No regrets!

meeeei said...

It's not an 'everyday' kinda things that you can meet the 'ONE'. Since you'd already called her 'THE ONE', u should have already know what to do =)

Don't let chance go away. You've got nothing to lose... but if u don't try, you'll kept wondering for the rest of your life.

Think of it... since u like 'what if' so much, then what if she is the only 'ONE' you'll met in your life? I'll say, what a waste to let it go

Life is short, follow your heart and have no regrets =)