Thursday, July 14, 2005


Have this question raised in your mind before?
Seriously why are we all working?
Of course its for the money right? All the bills and loans that we have to pay keeps us on working.

But is that all, work for money to sustain our life ?
What about PASSION ?
Isn't that the driving force in us to be keep interested in the work that we do?

Some people go for the MONEY first and then build the PASSION for the work and
Some go for the PASSION and MONEY that they get is the fruits that they reap out of their passion.

What happens when PASSION dies and you are only working for the MONEY ?
Would the person last in his job just for the sake of the MONEY?


Anonymous said...

Would the person last in his job just for the sake of the MONEY?... no!

so long as money is sufficient for me... i work for passion anytime.


Anonymous said...

add another few zeros to my pocket, i will subsitute passion for money.. but only for limited period :P

Anonymous said...

wat passion? pay me peanuts, you'll get monkeys! kekkekeke


Anonymous said...

The passion for your career and money are separate,its always said that you will be rewarded finacially if you have passion for your job,In reality ,passion doesn't pay the bills , put food on the table or put a roof over our heads,one the other point ,going into a career,just for money is usually not satisfying ,achieving a balance between passion and money is very important .To find the balance , we need to determine where money is our priority list of the values. There is no 'right or wrong ' to this ,it is what is most important to your personnally, some careers pay more financially and others 'pay'more emotionally. The value you get back from your job is tied to what is important to you ,it is crucial to prioritize our values and to find the right combination of our values , some values are 'absolute' these are the ones that should be present , in every job we apply for and in the career we have choosen ,other values are nice to have 'these are the ones we make some compromises on. ksivasampoh

Anonymous said...

i m not a ghost, just plain lazy to log-in :P


Anonymous said...

hey peterpan. what is the solution for house loans, marriage/wedding banquet, children education, rising cost of living, expensive cars due to tariffs/monopoly, pilfered EPF savings used by corrupted government to bail out money losing companies and uncompetitive monopolies like proton.

Rising fuel, rising expectations and material wealth demands from women, rising costs of public transportation, rising level of fake shares/stocks in bursa malaysia, rising housing costs. Everything rises except the wage.

Pray tell how passion can solve the problems of all these basic necessities of life. I can only think of one at the moment if one is to just take passion into consideration. Don't get married, don't buy a house, don't buy a car.

Anonymous said...

that is not the biggest cup, that is the cup everyone needs to go through in life unless they choose to live like a monk.

You did not answer my questions. ;-)

killarkai said...

This is the part that the quote from Fight Club must come in!!

"Man, I see in Fight Club the strongest and smartest
men who have ever lived. I see all this potential --
damn it, an entire generation pumping gas and waiting
tables; they're slaves with white collars.
Advertisements have them chasing cars and clothes,
working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need.
We are the middle children of history, man. No purpose
or place. We have no great war, or great depression.
Our great war is a spiritual war. Our great depression
is our lives. We've all been raised by television to
believe that one day we'll all be millionaires and
movie gods and rock stars -- but we won't. And we're
learning slowly that fact. And we're very, very pissed

Sorry for hijacking!

Anonymous said...

To follow up on Tyler "killarkai" Durden's comments...

"Choose Life" -- Mark 'Rents' Renton (Trainspotting). Of course he was referring to heroin as other choice there but read more into it and the other choice can be so many things. In this case it could be the dreaded four-letter-word... work. There's so much more to life than work. Live it out while you can and choose life :)

vk said...

Hey People Thanks for the truthful comments:)