Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Everyone goes through this everyday or every other moment in his or her life. For some this is the driving force and for others this is their biggest obstacle in life.

In growing up years, we have the fear of not being accepted to be part of a group, the fear of failing our exams, fear of getting scolded by our parents because of that.

Later years, we have the fear of being rejected by the person that we love, fear of not getting the job that we want or probably not getting any job at all that are required to live independently.

When we have found the job we want, it's the fear of doing wrong things, fear of not being good enough to succeed, fear of loosing the job or the business that we have. This fear adds up as by then we have so many dependents or bills to pay that this becomes unthinkable.

But can our fears be used in a positive way?
“I fear loosing my job, therefore, I need to prepare for an alternative or find ways to improve the current situation. “  In this way we build our own pressure to make us to constantly improve in overcoming this fear.

But can our fears silence us?
“I fear to express my opinions that I agree on ‘gay marriage’ and my believe that everyone have rights to marry the person that they love, because I might alienate my friends and family that thinks otherwise.” In this case, we choose to be silent because of this fear.

When our fears are used against us and we are defenseless against it, what we can do then?
“I fear that I will be caught by the moral police, so I rather wear my veil, even though I don’t like it, rather than getting caught and punished.” In this case we continue doing what we don’t like.

Maybe the Enemy is the word ‘Fear’ itself that being conjured up in our mind.

Everyone dies, but we continue living like we will never die? 
Death is the one thing in life that is most certain. The worst that can ever happen to us. The greatest fear of all is Death.

Probably there are more fun in living than to fear death and stop living. Probably with enough motivation we can conquer our fears, because the worst that can happen to us is Death, which we can’t change anyway. 

Who is the ‘enemy’ now? 
Is this our lack of will to change and conquer this fear? 
Fear of the ‘Self’ the enemy within us is the Greatest Fear of all.

Like what Gandhi once said, The enemy is fear. We think it is hate, but, it is fear.
Fear no more stand up for your rights! Fight your Fears!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well expressed Vk. It is out of fear that we camouflage ourselves with hatred, anger and low self esteem. Fear of keeping up with expectations set by others and not of our own. Break the chain of fear and be free. Afterall; lets echo Bon Jovi's hit: Its My Life. Cheers!